Doctorul care a descoperit ca spalatul pe maini prevenea raspandirea bolilor a fost bagat la spitalul de psihiatrie pentru ideile lui “nebune”
Numele lui a fost Ignac Semmelweis, doctor maghiar al anilor 1800. El a descoperit procedurile antiseptice. Cu inventia lui, s-a redus mortalitatea copiilor de la 50% la 1% . Desi elita a observat scaderea drastica a mortalitatii, totusi el a fost in conflict permanent cu elita. A murit intr-un sanatoriu de oameni bolnavi psihic, batut de gardieni.
His name was Ignac Semmelweis, a Hungarian doctor in the 1800’s. He discovered and introduced antiseptic procedures. With his discovery they were able to reduce the child mortality rate from 50% to 1% at the obstetrical clinics. Even though the fact of the drastic decrease in mortality was accurately recorded he had conflict with his time’s scientific elite. He died in a mental asylum beaten up by the guards.
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