Cartea de joc illuminati dezvaluie cine detine banii lumii…si cine sunt cei care „imprumuta” de la ei
Lucifer si demonii sai controleaza rezerva de bani a tuturor natiunilor prin familia Rothschild. Artefactul antic il reprezinta pe zeul pagan Horus si se afla pe bancnota de un dolar, cu imaginea demonului care plateste tribut conducatorului, Mamon, cunoscut si ca money (bani).
Acest vers ne spune insemnatatea stele cu sase colturi de pe capul sau , care reprezinta semnul fiarei. Faptele Apostolilor 7:43, Apocalipsa 13:16-18, 20:4;
Mare atentie la culorile steagului de pe a treia mana intinsa…Da, este vorba despre Romania in cartile Illuminati. Intelegeti acum, printre altele, de ce joaca distrugerea Romaniei un rol atat de important? Pentru ca face parte din agenda masonica.
Lucifer and his demons control the money supply of all nations through the Rothschild family. The ancient artifact pictured is the pagan god Horus and it’s on your dollar bill with the image of a demon to pay homage to the ruler of filthy lucre, mammon, also known as money.
This verse tells the origin of the six pointed star on his head which represents 666, the mark of the beast:
Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon. Acts 7:43
Read about the mark of the beast in Revelation 13:16-18 and 20:4
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